

I hope you are enjoying your Friday.


I’m enjoying my day, especially because I get to help you learn something new in English.


Are you ready?


Today we are learning about possessive adjectives.


Possessive adjectives are used to show possession or ownership of something. While we use them when we refer to people, it is more in the sense of relationship than ownership. For example,

Os adjetivos possessivos são usados para indicar posse. Quando os usamos para nos referir a pessoas, indicam mais um sentido de relação, e não de posse. Por exemplo:


This is Sarah. She is my wife.

Te apresento a Sarah. Ela é minha mulher.


The possessive adjectives are as follows:


I — My

You — Your

He — His

She — Her

It — Its

We — Our

You(plural) — Your

They — Their


Check out some sentences with possessive adjectives:


* My brother helped me build this house.

Meu irmão me ajudou a construir esta casa.


* Is this your luggage?

É sua bagagem?


* I think Mike has lost his suitcase!

Acho que Mike perdeu sua mala!


* Jane is sad because her grandpa died recently.

A Jane está triste porque seu avô morreu recentemente.


* That butterfly is beautiful; its wings look like a face.

Esta borboleta é bela; suas asas parecem com um rosto.


* Our parents are away this weekend so we are having a party!

Nossos pais não vão estar este fim de semana, por isso vamos dar uma festa!


* Don’t touch their books, John!

Não toque seus livros (deles), John!


Well, that’s easy enough, isn’t it?


Have a great weekend!


Bye for now.

Glaubia Lima